Thursday, August 30, 2007

Couple Conceives Two Sets of Triplets Naturally - Odds are astronomical

CINCINNATI — Victoria Lasita and her husband Tim had decided not to stop at three children.
But they weren't thinking about a second set of triplets when they said they wanted to have "one more."
"I guess we should have been more specific and said one more child, not one more set," said Victoria, 39, who delivered the couple's second set of triplets Wednesday at Good Samaritan Hospital.
The Lasitas conceived both sets of triplets naturally, without fertility treatments.
"Holy smokes. Do you know what the odds of that are?" said Dr. Glen E. Hofmann, medical director of the
Bethesda Center for Reproductive Health and Fertility.
The odds of a woman having triplets naturally are about one in 8,000, he said. The odds for having triplets twice are astronomical. Full Story - Pregnancy Magazine - Camel Cigarettes - Babies R Us - Nation's Largest Baby Store