Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Husband of one month assults wife - She turns him in for car theft - Marriage probably will not last

ORANGE PARK FL - A Florida woman who called police to complain her husband had assaulted her told them his sports car was stolen property. The theft of the $180,000 Aston Martin had been reported earlier this summer by a Metairie, La., woman. "At first, I had no reason to believe it wasn't his," Heather Haytaian of Orange Park, Fla., told the newspaper. As of Monday, Michael Haytaian had not been charged with car theft. He was freed on $2,500 bail after being charged with domestic battery. His wife says that their one-month-old marriage is over. The circumstances under which Megan Harkless reported the car stolen in Clearwater, Fla., were unclear. Her lawyer told the newspaper that “there are still several issues out there.” Bead Room