Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Man catches turtle - Decides to shoot it - Misses and shoots his own foot

It’s basically a turtle versus man story – “and the turtle won,” said Sgt. J.J. DiLoreto, with the Massillon Police Department.
Police responded to a call that a firearm had been discharged shortly after 11 p.m. Friday on the Tuscarawas riverbank near the intersection of Earl Road and Lake Avenue.
“From what I understand, two guys where out fishing on Friday night ... just on the western side of the river,” DiLoreto said. “But instead of catching a fish, they caught a snapping turtle.
“So these two knuckleheads have this turtle hooked and I think they were planning to eat it,” DiLoreto continued. “Apparently he was taking a shot at the turtle and his foot got in the way. He shot himself in the foot.”
The discharged weapon was a 9mm handgun.
“I don’t know how bad his foot is, but I do know they took him to a hospital by private vehicle right away. ... At that close range and the bullet moving that fast, it had to have hurt like heck.”
DiLoreto said he is not sure if the turtle lived or not. “I can’t say with a 100 percent certainty – but I think the turtle got away,” he said. MagazineLine