Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mississippi is the Fattest State in U.S.

JACKSON MS - Experts say Mississippians need to skip the gravy, say no to the fried pickles and start taking brisk walks to fight an epidemic of obesity.
According to a new study, this Deep South state is the fattest in the nation. The Trust for America's Health, a research group that focuses on
disease prevention, says Mississippi is the first state where more than 30 percent of adults are considered obese.
Aside from making Mississippi the butt of late-night talk show jokes, the obesity epidemic has serious implications for public policy.
If current trends hold, the state could face enormous increases in the already significant costs of treating diabetes,
heart disease and other ailments caused by the extra poundage. Full Story - Weight Watchers Magazine - Marlboro Cigarettes - Cooking.com