Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Nazi Soldier Tattoo Found Bubble-Gum Package in Israel

An Israeli woman was astounded to find a tattoo-sticker of a Nazi soldier inside a pack of bubble gum she had bought at her local store, the Israeli newspaper Maariv daily reported recently.
"A surprise awaits you," said the "Roll Bubble Gum" pack, showing a picture of a pink wrapper alongside what it said was the sticker, which showed a Nazi officer in uniform and wearing a swastika armband.
Some suggested that the sticker was of "Red Skull," which is the name of Captain America's nemesis in Marvel Comics stories.
Marvel featured three Red Skull villains in its comics, the first two were Nazi agents and the third a communist.
The newspaper quoted Orna Gutman, 23, as telling its Web site the pack's label was in Arabic and English and stated the gum was made in China but did not name the importer. Liz Claiborne