Wednesday, August 15, 2007

No Apartment Needed - young people live in all-night lounges

Japan is launching its first study into so-called "Net cafe refugees," young people who live in all-night lounges and are feared to become a new class of working poor, an official said Wednesday.
Japan's omnipresent net cafes - equipped with sofas, drinks, computers and comic books -- are designed for businessmen who want to slack off for a few hours or for commuters who missed their last trains home.
But Japan has been alarmed by growing reports of young day labourers who are staying in round-the-clock cafes rather than renting and living in apartments.
In the first nationwide study, the government is questioning operators and customers at 3,000 Internet cafes nationwide, said a labour ministry official in charge of employment security.
"Inquiries are being made in cooperation with non-profit organisations to find out their rough number and what their lives are like," said the official, who declined to be named.
A five-hour stay at an Internet cafe in Tokyo costs about 3,000 yen (25 dollars) with a meal served. Showers are available at 200 yen for 30 minutes and underwear is on sale.
The emergence of such "refugees" has set off alarm bells in a society which used to boast of equality but is now feared to be experiencing a wider rich-poor gap.
Sleeping in net cafes can be problematic "in terms of employment security, hygiene and development of job ability," said the labour ministry official. Live Aquaria