Thursday, August 9, 2007

Drunk nutty man avoids breath test by eating his socks, shirt and contact lens

Police in Walkerton, Ont., had a surprising encounter with a suspected drunk driver on the holiday weekend when he refused to take a breath test - but chose to eat parts of his clothing instead.
The suspect, a 19-year-old man from the nearby Township of Carrick, was sitting in his car with the lights off on a country road in the early hours of Monday morning, police said.
A South Bruce OPP officer who approached the vehicle determined that the man was intoxicated and arrested him on suspicion of impairment.
While the officer was preparing to administer a breath analysis, the suspect managed to get hold of a contact lens case he had in his clothing, drink the lens fluid and eat one of his contact lenses.
He then attempted to eat portions of his shirt and socks.
When officers tried to remove his clothing so that he couldn't eat any more - a scuffle broke out. The suspect was subdued with pepper spray.
After his shirt-and-sock snack and the pepper-spray melee, he was placed in a holding cell, where he put his head in the toilet and refused to provide a breath sample.
He is scheduled to appear in court on Oct. 9 and has been charged with failure to provide a breath sample, which carries the same potential penalties as an impaired-driving charge. - Cigarettes America