Saturday, August 11, 2007

Nutty Woman Attacks Singer In Middle Of Song

SEATTLE - A woman attacked a karaoke singer belting out Coldplay on Thursday night, telling him he ``sucked'' before she pushed and punched him to get him to stop singing, bar staff said. The man was singing ``Yellow'' when it happened. ``It took three or four of us to hold her down,'' bartender Robert Willmette said. When she was escorted outside, the 21-year-old woman ``went crazy,'' Willmette said, throwing punches at him and others, including an off-duty police officer. Patrol officers and detectives then arrived at the neighborhood bar and blocked off the street, which inflamed the woman's rage even more, a police report said. Before police could handcuff the woman, she headbutted the off-duty officer at least twice. The off-duty officer was treated for cuts, scrapes and bruises. After treatment for injuries, the woman was booked into the King County jail for investigation of assault. She was also held on a warrant issued for a previous theft charge. According to bartenders, she had only a single shot of Jagermeister. National Business Furniture