UK - THE last time Fred Roberts met Nazi troops it was on D-Day and he did not like the cut of their jib. Six decades on, the old soldier came across them again in a field in Kent: “I don’t like it. I still feel a little bit shivery.”
I know just a little how the Normandy veteran might feel. The SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LAH) division were strutting their stuff at the War and Peace Show at Beltring in Kent - it’s Glastonbury with panzers - when I bowled up to them.
The SS LAH are not the real thing, of course, but make-believe Nazi soldiers in a reenactment society called the Second Battle Group who spend their weekends, along with second world war American GIs and British reenactors, going “bang-bang you’re dead”. Full Story - British Heritage Magazine - Winston Cigarettes - Discovery Channel Store
I know just a little how the Normandy veteran might feel. The SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LAH) division were strutting their stuff at the War and Peace Show at Beltring in Kent - it’s Glastonbury with panzers - when I bowled up to them.
The SS LAH are not the real thing, of course, but make-believe Nazi soldiers in a reenactment society called the Second Battle Group who spend their weekends, along with second world war American GIs and British reenactors, going “bang-bang you’re dead”. Full Story - British Heritage Magazine - Winston Cigarettes - Discovery Channel Store