ST. PETERSBURG - For 36 years, Shirley Ives felt secure in her home. So when her husband died nearly 20 years ago, she stayed by herself.
"I never felt afraid," said Ives, 82. That's why, on the evening of Aug. 7, she opened her door to a stranger, and a brutal attack.
A self-described "tough old bird," Ives is experiencing some fame for fighting back. Bruised and blindfolded, she nevertheless stabbed her attacker with an ice pick.
Sitting in an armchair in her sunny living room, Ives shared some fragments of her long life. Mother of two, and stepmom to a third, Ives has buried one son, a grandchild and a husband. She's survived two types of cancer and 17 operations.
"You never know what life is going to throw at you," she said. "You just have to weather each storm as it comes." Full Story - Video - Golfballs
"I never felt afraid," said Ives, 82. That's why, on the evening of Aug. 7, she opened her door to a stranger, and a brutal attack.
A self-described "tough old bird," Ives is experiencing some fame for fighting back. Bruised and blindfolded, she nevertheless stabbed her attacker with an ice pick.
Sitting in an armchair in her sunny living room, Ives shared some fragments of her long life. Mother of two, and stepmom to a third, Ives has buried one son, a grandchild and a husband. She's survived two types of cancer and 17 operations.
"You never know what life is going to throw at you," she said. "You just have to weather each storm as it comes." Full Story - Video - Golfballs