California wildlife officials will risk the ire of many in a fishing community with plans to pour large amounts of poison into the Sierra reservoir to kill a species of predatory fish, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times.
The state's Fish and Game Department plans to enter more than 16,000 gallons of the fish poison Rotenone into the body of water in effort to protect the state's dwindling trout population from the northern pike, an invader from the Midwest, the report said. Full Story - American Angler Magazine - Carlton Cigarettes - Frederick's of Hollywood
The state's Fish and Game Department plans to enter more than 16,000 gallons of the fish poison Rotenone into the body of water in effort to protect the state's dwindling trout population from the northern pike, an invader from the Midwest, the report said. Full Story - American Angler Magazine - Carlton Cigarettes - Frederick's of Hollywood