ASHLAND, Ky. -- A West Virginia ambulance driver has been charged with driving under the influence of controlled substances after he ran two red lights with a patient in the back, Ashland police said.
Steven Ray Marcum of Mingo County, W.Va., was transporting a patient Tuesday for Jan Care Ambulance Inc., a regional service, when he ran the lights, said Ashland police Capt. Todd Kelley.
The lights and sirens of the ambulance weren't on, tipping police officer Bill Lucas that something was wrong, Kelley said. Full Story - Arthritis Today Magazine - Monarch Cigarettes - Fon Monkey
Steven Ray Marcum of Mingo County, W.Va., was transporting a patient Tuesday for Jan Care Ambulance Inc., a regional service, when he ran the lights, said Ashland police Capt. Todd Kelley.
The lights and sirens of the ambulance weren't on, tipping police officer Bill Lucas that something was wrong, Kelley said. Full Story - Arthritis Today Magazine - Monarch Cigarettes - Fon Monkey