Monday, November 26, 2007

Catnip Sales Soaring - Nutty kids are smoking the stuff

Minnesota - In at least one Twin Cities pet shop, it takes a note from his parents nowadays for a teen-ager to lay in any big supply of catnip.
Owners of other stores have taken to questioning their youthful customers closely about large-scale purchases.
They know the reason for the sudden popularity of catnip in the Twin Cities and nationwide – and it isn’t the one a young man gave the owner of a Hennepin Av. pet shop:
Kids, you can’t smoke this.
“I have,” he explained, “a GREAT, BIG cat.”
The fact is, the kids are smoking the stuff, apparently in dubious pursuit of a low-budget thrill. Full Story - Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - 1-800-PetMeds