Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wife Says No Beer, Husband Retaliates By Shooting Pet Goats

WAUPACA, Wisconsin - A man who was upset with his wife for not buying beer took vengeance by shooting one of the family's two pet goats, prosecutors say.
Peter W. Mischler, 48, was charged this week in Circuit Court with mistreatment of animals, possession of a firearm while intoxicated and disorderly conduct with a dangerous weapon.
The complaint said Mischler came home Saturday from hunting and became angry with his 22-year-old daughter for letting the goats out and making a mess. While she was talking on the phone to her mother, authorities said, he told her to tell his wife to bring home some beer, but his wife refused. Full Story - Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Boflex