Friday, March 28, 2008

Man Charged After $32,200 In Fake Money Found In His Lap During Stop - Suspect's Van Had Broken Lights

ORANGE COUNTY, Florida - A man pulled over on a routine traffic stop was arrested in Orange County on Wednesday after troopers found $32,200 in fake money in his lap, authorities said.
Alvaro Gonzalez, 32, was arrested on a charge of possession of forged bills.
According to the Florida Highway Patrol, Gonzalez was driving a van eastbound on Lake Underhill Road in Orange County at about 7:15 p.m. He was pulled over on Econ Trail, north of state Road 417, because the van had defective brake lights and a burned-out head lamp, troopers said. More... Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Problem Solvers