Switzerland - He was blown off a platform, run over by a train and lived to tell the tale. Or he might, if he was old enough to talk. Officials in the northeastern Swiss town of Mohlin, not far from the German border, are astonished that a six-month-old baby survived with barely a scratch after a freak accident that seemed designed to take his life.
The child was in a buggy at a station when a strong gust of wind suddenly pushed the stroller off the platform, straight onto the tracks and right into the path of an oncoming train. More... Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Sports Authority
The child was in a buggy at a station when a strong gust of wind suddenly pushed the stroller off the platform, straight onto the tracks and right into the path of an oncoming train. More... Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Sports Authority