Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Baby Borrowers - What kind of woman would loan her 6-month-old and 2-year-old to a TV reality show?

The first question people typically ask when they learn of the premise behind NBC's "The Baby Borrowers" is: "What would prompt a parent to loan their child to a reality show?" Natalie Nichols did, and she has an answer: "I didn't look at it as loaning my kid to a TV show," she says. "I looked at it as a very important teaching project. It was a way to get a message out."
And Nichols, 31, knows exactly how vital that message is. In a rebellious act against her parents, she got married and pregnant on purpose at the age of 17. More... Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Liz Claiborne