Friday, August 29, 2008

Man faces a 12-year prison sentence and $24,000 in fines for barking dogs

Gwinnett County - If all goes well Friday, Randy DeCarlo will have a howling welcome home from more than two dozen of his furry, four-legged friends. Then again, he may wind up with a 12-year prison sentence and $24,000 in fines. A Gwinnett County Recorder’s Court judge will hear arguments Friday morning about how many of the 25 beagles and basset hounds can be kept in DeCarlo’s home in Lilburn. The judge also will decide whether the hound rescuer ought to be punished for what Gwinnett County Animal Control officers call nuisance barking. DeCarlo faces 24 citations for violating the noise ordinance. More... Magazine Lane - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - National Jean Company