Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cockroaches Rain Down On Officer - Cover Child In House Of Filth

LEESBURG, Florida - Thousands of cockroaches rained down on an officer and were spotted crawling over an infant inside a Central Florida house of filth. Officers checking the home of Debra Chappell and James Seevers in Leesburg found the couple and a 2-year-old living in the home described as not being fit for animals. The police report about the house reads like a horror novel, Local 6 reported. The report described thousands of cockroaches swarming inside the structure. An officer wrote that he had to jump back when he opened a refrigerator because of the number of "roaches that rained down on him." Roaches were also inside the cupboards and crawling all over the child in her crib. More... Magazine Lane - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Zinio Digital Magazines