Illinois - A 20 percent tip makes a waitress happy. But when a couple dining at the Montarra Grill in Algonquin left waitress Michelle Secreto a 667 percent tip Aug. 24, she figured the man who signed the credit card receipt was either pulling her leg, or had a gross ineptitude for mathematics. Turns out, his math was just fine. He just wanted to show Secreto how much he appreciated her service that night. "We had been having fun and joking around all evening, so when I saw the tip I said, 'Ha ha, that's funny'," Secreto, 42, of Huntley, said Sunday. "I left the slip and a pen for him to change the tip, but when I went back, it was still there." More... Magazine Lane - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Economy Travel