Saturday, October 25, 2008

Clinton Appointed Democratic Judge dismisses Obama birth certificate lawsuit - Ordinary citizens can't sue - Up to Congress - Appeals planned

A lawsuit filed by Democratic attorney Philip Berg alleging that Sen. Barack Obama is ineligible to be president was dismissed by a federal judge yesterday on grounds that Berg lacks standing to bring the lawsuit. In a 34-page memorandum that accompanied the court order, the Hon. R. Barclay Surrick concludes that ordinary citizens can't sue to ensure that a presidential candidate actually meets the constitutional requirements of the office. Surrick defers to Congress, saying that the legislature could determine "that citizens, voters, or party members should police the Constitution's eligibility requirements for the Presidency," but that it would take new laws to grant individual citizens that ability. More... More... Magazine Lane - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Live Aquaria