Australia - New South Wales woman, who made lesbian pornography with teenagers, will ask the High Court to clear her name so she can work with disadvantaged children.
Rebecca Jane Clarke will seek to have her conviction erased, based on a controversial ruling that sex offenders can be acquitted if they "honestly believe" their victims are more than the age of consent. Clarke, 23, who stars in a pornographic DVD she made with two girls, both 14, will argue her name should not appear on the national sex-offender register. More... Magazine Lane - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Just Because Baskets
Rebecca Jane Clarke will seek to have her conviction erased, based on a controversial ruling that sex offenders can be acquitted if they "honestly believe" their victims are more than the age of consent. Clarke, 23, who stars in a pornographic DVD she made with two girls, both 14, will argue her name should not appear on the national sex-offender register. More... Magazine Lane - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Just Because Baskets