Monday, October 6, 2008

Starbucks wastes millions of gallons of water a day - Staff leave taps running non stop

Starbucks was blasted by environmental experts last night after The Sun discovered it pours millions of litres of precious water down the drain at its coffee shops. The giant coffee chain has a policy of keeping a tap running non-stop at all its 10,000 outlets worldwide, wasting 23.4 million litres a day. That would provide enough daily water for the entire two million-strong population of drought-hit Namibia in Africa or fill an Olympic pool every 83 minutes. Every Starbucks branch has a cold tap behind the counter providing water for a sink called a “dipper well”, used for washing spoons and utensils. More... Magazine Lane - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Giga Golf