Florida - Residents of a model housing estate bankrolled by Hollywood celebrities and hand-built by Jimmy Carter, the former US president, are complaining that it is falling apart.
Fairway Oaks was built on northern Florida wasteland by 10,000 volunteers, including Carter, in a record 17-day “blitz” organised by the charity Habitat for Humanity. Eight years later it is better known for cockroaches, mildew and mysterious skin rashes. More... Fitness For Women Magazine: Discount Price at Magazine Lane - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Netflix
Fairway Oaks was built on northern Florida wasteland by 10,000 volunteers, including Carter, in a record 17-day “blitz” organised by the charity Habitat for Humanity. Eight years later it is better known for cockroaches, mildew and mysterious skin rashes. More... Fitness For Women Magazine: Discount Price at Magazine Lane - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Netflix