Hillsboro - A 16-year-old would-be thief reportedly tried to swipe two purses from tables inside the bowling alley at 6360 S.E. Alexander St.
The purses belonged to two ladies from V.I.P. Summer Trio, a senior league.
The women, along with other bowlers from the senior league, blocked the 16-year-old's escape through an exit on the building's west side. More... Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes and Tobacco - hostWink.com - Camping World
The purses belonged to two ladies from V.I.P. Summer Trio, a senior league.
The women, along with other bowlers from the senior league, blocked the 16-year-old's escape through an exit on the building's west side. More... Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes and Tobacco - hostWink.com - Camping World