- Hero with a Handgun Saved 100 People from Islamists in Mall Attack
- Greenpeace activists charged with piracy for climbing onto a drilling platform
- Man Caught Cop on Camera Forcibly Removing His Pro-Gun Sign
- BASE jumper crashes into mountain, makes desperate call to wife before dying
- Chicago shooting: 4 suspects arrested, charged
- College student accused of trying to recreate ‘Grand Theft Auto’
- Pregnant Inmate Escapes Twice in One Week
- Houston woman surprised to find her photo on Craigslist sex ad
- Today’s Politics
- Cat cafe offers “purr therapy” to animal-lovers
- Runner Accused of Using Fake Penis to Beat Doping Test
- Haunted house invites visitors to take the ‘Naked and Scared Challenge’
- More Nutty News Stories
- Man tried to kill woman to save her from demons
- Michael Douglas uses Emmy win to blast son’s prison
Strangest of the Strange: Strange News from all over the world. Strange News you probably missed. WARNING: SOME READERS MAY FIND SOME STORIES TO BE OFFENSIVE