Strangest of the Strange: Strange News from all over the world. Strange News you probably missed. WARNING: SOME READERS MAY FIND SOME STORIES TO BE OFFENSIVE
Friday, August 29, 2014
So That USC Player Who Jumped Off a Balcony to Save His Nephew? He Made it Up
So That USC Player Who Jumped Off a Balcony to Save His Nephew? He Made it Up
Crispi arrested for allegedly setting fire to house with bacon
Man arrested after friend dies during Russian roulette game petition seeks to ban Life Alert commercials – Too scary
Dogs Eating Dead Bodies Of Ebola Victims
Adult Illegal Aliens With Graying Hair Enrolled in Public Schools
Second American killed fighting with ISIS identified as Abdirahmaan Muhumed – Fathered 9 children
Man raises $28,000 to have his 100-pound scrotum removed
7-year-old girl buried alive in UP crawls out of her grave
Huge wasp nest discovered by son in his mother’s spare room
Vogue Model, Accused Of Stealing Chocolate Bars
Giant panda fakes pregnancy for extra fruit and buns
‘Sons of Guns’ star Will Hayden arrested
Life imitates glasses advertisement
Iraq War Vet Warned Waffle House Wasn’t Safe – Gets Beaten
Brazilian man wakes up in body bag after being declared dead