TAMPA FL - A Brandon man driving a 2002 Buick recklessly early Sunday struck a Tampa police officer and the officer's horse, injuring both, Tampa police say. Police charged Arleis Perez, 20, of 421 Debra Drive, with driving under the influence about 4 a.m. in Ybor City. The incident began about 3:25 a.m., when plain clothes officers approached Perez' Buick as he was playing "amplified music" at East 7th Avenue and North 19th Street, according to a Tampa police release. After seeing the officers, Perez rolled up his windows, locked his doors and recklessly drove west on 7th Avenue. Four minutes later, while Officer Salvatore Mazza was trying to clear an intersection at East 8th Avenue and North 19th Street, Perez struck Mazza and his horse d'Artagnan. Full Story - Now Cigarettes - Guns Magazine - Pet Street Mall