Wednesday, November 28, 2007

School Cancels Production of 'Ten Little Indians' Over Concerns of Racial Slur - One person complained to NAACP

Ohio - An Ohio high school has canceled its student theater production of "Ten Little Indians" after local residents complained about a racial slur in the original title of the Agatha Christie novel, which never has been published under that name in this country.
The best-selling murder mystery originally was named "Ten Little N---ers" when it was published in England in 1939.
The name of the book was changed for production in the United States, and the school was using the name "Ten Little Indians" for the play's title. The book also has been renamed in some productions as "And Then There Were None," which is the closing line of the nursery rhyme with the novel's name. Full Story - Update: Play will go on after national furor - Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Body Candy