Tuesday, November 27, 2007

When truck stopped traffic, Austin mayor showing his importance - Spewed a fog of profanity

Austin, Texas - When he saw a construction truck blocking traffic on West Fifth Street one morning last month, Austin Mayor Will Wynn walked to the site, told the work crews who he was — and then let loose.
According to Wynn and tapes from a call to the city's 311 non-emergency number that were released Monday, the mayor told the construction workers at the Monarch apartments site that they had better be obeying city ordinances, have proper work permits and be insured.
He also ordered the project's superintendent not to let the driver of the truck leave until Austin police officers showed up.
"I spewed a fog of profanity that is still floating down Shoal Creek someplace," Wynn said. "I'm sorry if my language offended (the construction workers') sensibilities." Full Story - Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Lane Bryant