Jacksonville, Florida - When Marie Lupe Cooley, 41, of Jacksonville, Fla., saw a help-wanted ad in the newspaper for a position that looked suspiciously like her current job — and with her boss's phone number listed — she assumed she was about to be fired.
So, police say, she went to the architectural office where she works late Sunday night and erased 7 years' worth of drawings and blueprints, estimated to be worth $2.5 million. As for the job, Cooley originally wasn't in danger of losing it. The ad was for Hutchins' wife's company. Full Story - Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace
So, police say, she went to the architectural office where she works late Sunday night and erased 7 years' worth of drawings and blueprints, estimated to be worth $2.5 million. As for the job, Cooley originally wasn't in danger of losing it. The ad was for Hutchins' wife's company. Full Story - Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace