MUMBAI, India - Let's see Hari Puttar get out of this one. Bollywood producers set to release a film called "Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors" are working to fend off a lawsuit filed by Warner Bros. that claims the movie title hews too closely to their mega-famous boy wizard franchise.
While Bollywood films often borrow liberally from Western movies, producers of "Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors" say their movie bears no resemblance to any film in the "Harry Potter" series. More... Magazine Lane - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Tri City New Balance
While Bollywood films often borrow liberally from Western movies, producers of "Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors" say their movie bears no resemblance to any film in the "Harry Potter" series. More... Magazine Lane - Discount Cigarettes & Tobacco - Nutty News Marketplace - Tri City New Balance