Strangest of the Strange: Strange News from all over the world. Strange News you probably missed. WARNING: SOME READERS MAY FIND SOME STORIES TO BE OFFENSIVE
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Woman impaled through buttocks after texting and driving accident
Woman impaled through buttocks after texting and driving accident
Radioactive wild boar roaming the forests of Germany
Federal study on lesbian obesity costs $3 million
Boy’s Mother Arrested After Telling Teachers He Didn’t Remember His Last Bath
127-year-old said to be ‘the oldest person to ever live’
Bags of money spill on highway after armored truck flips
California high school drops controversial mascot
Burglary suspect allegedly high on meth, uses toilet water to cool down
Man died of a heart attack on Southwest Airlines flight after attendant refused to use a defibrillator on him because ‘his chest was too hairy’
Girl, 5, sent home from kindergarten with facial injuries blaming classmates
Burmese Beauty Queen Runs Off With The Crown
Cop charged with raping women under threat of arrest
Whole Foods sued for ‘understating’ amount of sugar in yogurt